If the Town of Somerset was created in 1909, why is the same road, spelled Sommersett, found on a map in 1889?
January-March is stock show and rodeo time here in Texas. Beginning with Fort Worth’s in January, to San Antonio’s in February, followed by Houston’s in March, folks in this state have opportunities galore to re-call, re-connect, or just discover the heritage that began in this part of Texas…south of the Medina. OUR AREA’S RANCHING HERITAGE DATES BACK TO MISSION SAN JOSÉ Y SAN MIGUEL DE AGUAYO Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo, better known as San José, was founded by Franciscan Father Antonio Margill in February, 1720, several miles south of The Mission San Antonio de Valero, known to day as The Alamo. Because each mission needed to be self sufficient by growing all agricultural products, both plant and animal, as well as […]
When this writer (Peggy Weyel) was 3 or 4 years old (about 1950) we went to visit my dad’s (Jesse C. James) aunt Florence and uncle Frank McCoy at Christmas time. Aunt Florence McCoy had a beautifully decorated 6 foot tree with real, live, burning candles on most of the branch ends. I remember bouncing up and down to make the candles really flicker. Then mom tapped my behind to tell me NO jumping. She showed me the lit candles and said that I could have caused a fire. I never jumped again, but the beautifully decorated tree with the lit candles fascinated me. And, I never saw another candle lit Christmas tree…to this day. Dad’s Recollection Begins Many years later (1990s) I asked dad […]