100+ Years of Somerset, TX History
If the Town of Somerset was created in 1909, why is the same road, spelled Sommersett, found on a map in 1889?
January-March is stock show and rodeo time here in Texas. Beginning with Fort Worth’s in January, to San Antonio’s in February, followed by Houston’s in March, folks in this state have opportunities galore to re-call, re-connect, or just discover the heritage that began in this part of Texas…south of the Medina. OUR AREA’S RANCHING HERITAGE DATES BACK TO MISSION SAN JOSÉ Y SAN MIGUEL DE AGUAYO Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo, better known as San José, was founded by Franciscan Father Antonio Margill in February, 1720, several miles south of The Mission San Antonio de Valero, known to day as The Alamo. Because each mission needed to be self sufficient by growing all agricultural products, both plant and animal, as well as […]
While this isn’t EXCTLY Somerset, Texas history, it is a history of the land that became part of early Bexar County then Texas. This was originally published in the Somerset Historical Society’s historical newsletter, Crossings, the November 2015 edition. SPANISH FAMILIES BEGIN THEIR JOURNEY NORTH Juan Oñate, born in 1550 in Zacatecas, New Spain, of a prominent Spanish family ( his wife was the granddaughter of Hernan Cortez), was awarded land along the northern Rio Grande Valley where the Pueblo Indians lived. Here he expected to find gold like his father who had made a fortune in silver in Zacatecas. In the summer of 1597 he, with more than 500 followers, including 400 soldiers, of whom 130 brought their families of wives and children, and […]
Residents of Somerset have been honoring our veterans and celebrating Veterans Day for more that 80 years. The earliest record that Peggy has found so far is a November 7, 1937, San Antonio Light newspaper ad in the sports section announcing a RODEO at Somerset, Texas on Armistice Day, Thursday, November 11. The “sponsor, Jay Rowland,” was said to be”under the personal direction of, W. T. “Zack” Miller.” Admission for adults was $.40 and for children $.25. Following World War II, a brushfire of sorts began on the Korean peninsula. From Summer of 1950, one nasty war was fought. In July, 1953, a halt in the shooting was agreed upon – an Armistice. Note: no peace treaty followed and to this day, 10 Oct 2019, […]