I have put off this task since 2011 when I first learned about my Rutledge relatives in the Civil War who fought in New Mexico. In fact that’s when I first paid attention to the Civil War being fought in places other than Virginia. I found myself exploring great, great grandfathers, uncles cousins who followed other kin and neighbors into this 5 year hell. Here in the Medina area there were those who joined with relatives to fight with the Confederate States (CSA) and others who snuck south to Brownsville to join the USA – Army of the United States.
At least one of my great, great uncles Patrick Kenney, made it to Brownsville where he was ushered to New Orleans to enlist in the 1st Regiment Texas Cavalry, USA. And at least one family story, and a Service Record that reads ” on D. T.” but no place of the detached service mentioned, says that uncle Pat was a Union spy. My NEXT project is to review the records of the 1st Tex Cav USA, to see who from our area may have made it to Brownsville, enlisted with the Union Cavalry’s 1st Texas regiment, and back home to San Antonio at the and of this war.
OK…After posting Part 1 and 2, I DID heave a sigh of relief that this latest iteration of Civil War sharing was o-vah. Then, as my dad used to tell me, “I can tell, there ya go thinkin’ again,” I decided that since I had wanted to find out who rode to New Mexico with Pyron and my relatives, NOW was the best time. I began the search on my fav site of and their Confederate Service Records for the Second Regiment Texas Mounted Rifles (aka Riflemen) with letter A. Knowing that all Companies, A-K, were there also, it took quite a few hours to find all those in Company B. I found 96, read through their records, and figured out enough to share with you all, but hopefully not completely bore you.
If you are interested awaits you for militaria from the Revolutionary War, through today. They even have Texas Birth and Death records…It’s one of my “homes away from home” for genealogy/family histories.
Joining and Enrollment takes place MOSTLY in San Antonio, Texas. There were two who enlisted out West. I found records for 96 men of Company B. (A traditional Company was 100…so …. close for government work.)
Most survived New Mexico to return and join Capt Poor’s Company unless I note death by a * (2 of them) in front of his name. Only one death in New Mexico and one at Fort Stockton before arrival in New Mexico.
BLACK indicates wounded or in Hospital in New Mexico campaign. Those who continued with Capt David. M. Poor’s Company and were wounded, POWs, or killed in Louisiana are noted.
One point of interest that impressed me about Col. Edward Canby how became one of “my heroes.”): On their return from defeat at Glorieta Pass, Mrs. Canby, the New Mexico/Arizona Commander’s wife, saw how badly the wounded, wretched, and sick Rebel soldiers were, so she had helpers dragging out all the hidden food, medicine, sheets, towels, clothing in Santa Fe to care for the Rebel soldiers. Those who were too injured/sick to continue on their way home to San Antonio, were hospitalized in Santa Fe. Now, all the wounded and sick Confederates were all POWs, in the Sante Fe Hospital but were treated honorably as they recovered. Some stayed to help their brothers-in-arms recover. By June -July 1862, the service records on those left behind tended to read: “Prisoner of War, Hospital in Santa Fe, Paroled and Sent to Texas.”
I got to laughing at Col. Canby’s wisdom: To have sent these dozens into the hundreds of POWs back East to St. Louis, along the only real road, The Santa Fe Trail, would have likely used too many Union soldiers, wagons, horses, food and other supplies. So, Col. Edward Canby. in his wisdom, sent these bedraggled Texans on home, to get back any way they could. That usually meant walking from Santa Fe to San Antonio.
Then 1865 Canby returns. Because many of these same men went on to serve with Capt. David M. Poor, and Capt. Angel Navarro, their Pardons and Paroles were authorized by General Edward Canby, who received the surrender of all Texas military units as they were part of the CSA’s Trans-Mississippi Army.
Those 14 who transferred to Captain Jose Angel Navarro’s Texas Mounted Volunteers (a Company within Colonel Santos Benavides’ 33rd Texas Cavalry) in Summer 1862, are also noted. Several died or taken and Prisoners of War at the Battle of Lafourche Crossing, near Thibodaux, Louisiana. POWs that I saw in these records made it back to San Antonio for their Paroles/Oaths of Allegiance in Summer-Fall, 1865.
NOTE of clarification: On their return to San Antonio by summer 1862, Major (and soon to be Lt. Col) Pyron’s B Company, 2nd TMR was turned over to Captain David M. Poor. Capt. Poor’s Company went on to Galveston and Louisiana. I tried to note deaths, POW, Paroles, etc. to see how many of these sons of San Antonio area Texas made it back home.
One thing that DID smack me again is that we, 21st century folk, are descended from these – warriors – men whose grandpas and dads fought in the 1776, 1813, 1835-36, 1846-48 and in conflicts with Native Americans from the late 1600s as they lay their own claim to this new land. Their grandsons and daughters continued to enlist in 20th and 21st century wars. They will continue to be honored the last Monday in May – Memorial Day, which began as a remembrance of those honored dead in the Civil War – North, then South, in May, 1868. Further honors are held for our cherished veterans in November when we continue to honor their service on Veterans Day.

COMPANY B, 2nd Texas Mounted Rifles, 1861-1862
- BARKER, Sam J. Pvt. Age 21. Enrolled April 15, 1861 (April 19 on 2nd MR) at San Antonio for 12 months or sooner…Value of Horse $75, HE, $15). Discharged May 23,1861, served 1 month 4 days. Did not go to New Mexico. (Source: Texas State Archives on Nov.13.2021)
- BOYLES, Noah. Pvt. Age 18. Enrolled May 23, 1861. (Hospital at Dona Ana, NM Jan1-11,1862) Transferred to Capt David M. Poor’s Company where on September 6, 1862 at San Antonio, he receives a Certificate of Disability.
- *BROWN, John. Pvt. age 25. Enrolled at Castroville in June 4, 1861, Records show he was in Fort Stockton. Upon return he stayed with Capt David M. Poor’s company where records show him listed as a POW in July 1862, then this Remark:“died in New Mex” was on Capt David M. Poor’s Sep-Oct 1862 MusterRoll.
- BROWN, Will J. Pvt. Age 22. Just 3 Enrolled May 23, 1861, enlistment records only.
- BROWNRIGG, Junius. Pvt. Age 37. Enrolled May 23, 1861,enlistment records only.
- BRUCE, Thomas. 1st Cpl. Age 24. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Transferred to Capt David M. Poor’s Company.
- CABRILLO, Francisco. Pvt. No age. Letter approved by C. L. Pyron to Capt Angel. Navarro’s Company in 1862.
- CARDENAS Juan. Pvt. Age 18. Joined 1861, Moved to Capt Angel Navarro’s Company in 1862.
- CARDENAS, Raphael. Pvt. Age 28. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Moved to Capt Angel Navarro’s Company in 1862.
- CARVAJAL, Louis. Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Stayed with Capt David M. Poor’s company.
- CARILLO, Joseph/Joe/Jose. Pvt. age 28. Enrolled May 23, 1861, Wounded in New Mex. Capt Bethel Coopwood’s scouting party; stayed with Capt David M. Poor; POW in Louisiana June 21, 1863; Aug 63 Paroled.
- CARILLO, Pancho. Pvt. Age 22. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Records are only for Pyron’s Company.
- CARTER, Henry. Pvt. age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Records are only for Pyron’s Company. Horse killed in action on Sept 25, 1861. On Hospital opthalinia(?) Duty ..Jan 1-Jan 11 1862.
- CASIAS, (actually listed as CAIS), Santiago, Enrolled Company B, 2nd Regt, Texas Cavalry (2nd Texas Mounted Rifles. He likely enlisted with friends and neighbors Francisco Herrera
- CHALDERON/CALDERON, Ramon. Pvt. Age 32. Enrolled May 23, 1861. A July-Aug 1861 Company Muster Roll “At Fort Stockton since July 28, 1861.” DISCHARGED with a “Certificate of Ordinary Disability” from a medical “condition of long standing making him incapacitated for the duties of a soldier.” 14 October 1861.
- *DENMAN, Coleman. Pvt. Age 42. Joined at Fort Stockton June 24 1861. Died of Disease Ft Stockton, Aug 29, 1861.
- CONLEY, James. 4th Sgt. Age 30. Slightly wounded in hip in Capt. Bethel Coopwood’s scouting party, Sept 22-25, 1861, Dona Ana, New Mexico. Stayed with Capt David M. Poor.
- COOK, Franklin. 2nd Sgt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861, Stayed with Capt David M. Poor.
- COOPER, George W. Pvt. Age 36. Stayed with Capt Poor; became a hospital attendant.
- CORTINAS, José. Pvt. Age 23. Enrolled May 23, 1861, Stayed with Capt David M. Poor.
- DAY, John. Bugler. Age 35. Enrolled May 23 1861, (horse valued at $90 -wow most were in the $50-$75; Officers, that I’ve seen, were $100-150).
- DEEN, Jesse A. Pvt. Age 23. Enrolled May 23 1861,
- DUNCAN, Francis M. Pvt. Age 38. Enrolled May 23, 1861.
- DUNSON, Erastus. Pvt. Age 28. Enrolled May 23, 1861.
- DURAND, Macleto. Pvt. Age 20. Enrolled May 23 1861. Stayed with Capt David M. Poor as Pvt. No record show location or dates in theatres of conflict.
- DURAND William C. Pvt to Lt. Age 22. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Stayed with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company as elected by the company to 1st Lieutenant.
- DYE, Benson A. Pvt. Age 27. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Stayed on with Capt David M. Poor (and Benson had a $90 horse, too).
- FLORES, Pedro. Pvt, Age 23 Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from N Mex asked to be transferred to Capt. Angel Navarro’s command. Permission was granted.
- FLORES, Salvatore/Salvadore. Pvt. Age 20. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return stayed with Capt David M. Poor.
- GARZA, Esteban/Steven. Pvt. Age 26. His horse was killed on 26 Sept 1861. Upon return stayed with Capt David M. Poor’s unit and was on D.S.(detached service) “at the powder house in San Antonio (the Arsenal – that was being moved to Main and Arsenal [where HEB campus is today] from just north of Main Plaza and rebuilt by Capt. Kampmann’s soldiers during the war?).
- GARZA, Jesus, Pvt. Age 27. Enrolled May 23, 1861.
- GERLOFF/GERLOF, Andreas/Andrew. Pvt. Age 17. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return stayed with Capt David M. Poor. He is recorded for several months from late 1864 to 1865 as “being sick” in Galveston, Brenham, and lastly in New Braunfels (apparently his home).
- GUERRERA, Manuel. Pvt. Age24. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return stayed with Capt Poor. Wounded in action at Lafourche Crossing LA, June 24, 1863. Became POW at Thibodaux July 30, 1863 and exchanged for parole for 20 days (Nov 1863). (Certificate available saying the POW will not take up arms).
- GUERRERO, Felipe. Pvt. Age 30. Enrolled May 23, 1861. No further record.
- GUERRA, Manuel. Pvt. Age 2., Upon return stayed with Capt David M. Poor. Wounded in action at Lafourche Crossing LA, June 24, 1863. Became POW at Thibodaux July 30, 1863. (Certificate available saying “the POW Enrolled May 23, 1861.”
- HARRIS, David A. Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return stayed with Capt David M. Poor.
- HERNANDEZ, Jose Maria. Pvt. Age 28. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from N Mex asked to be transferred to Capt. Angel Navarro’s command. Permission was granted.
- HERNANDEZ, Maruicio. Age 31. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return stayed with Capt David M. Poor.
- HERRERA, Francisco. Pvt. Age 31. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Rode to Fort Stockton and to Dona Ana, New Mexico where he was discharged for inability to carry out duties of a soldier.
- HOGAN, Joseph, L. Age 24. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico stayed with Capt Poor. Service records show POW in Kentucky, Captured Louisiana June 23, 1863 and later record: “Missing since July 21, ’63,supposed to be dead.
- HOWARD, King L. Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Record shows pay finally provided in July 1862. No record of further service.
- HUDSON, Amos. Pvt. Age 26. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Record shows pay finally provided in July 1862. No record of further service. There is a record of his pay for the year’s service.
- HUTCHINSON, William C. Pvt. Age 26. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return stayed with Capt Poor. POW and Parole document available (13 Sept 1865).
- JETT, William G. 1st Sgt to 1st Lt. Age 40. Enrolled May 23, 1861. One record reads “Date of appointment of commissioned officer May 23, 1861.
- JOHNSON, Charles S. Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico stayed with Capt. Poor and on Feb 1, 1864 “by election” was “promoted to Brevet 2nd Lieutenant.” Also an officer’s parole document is available.
- KUFUS, Edward, Pvt. Age 24. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico, stayed with Capt. Poor’s command and was soon on “detached service as the company/mess butcher.
- LACKEY/LUCKEY, James W. Pvt to Sgt. Age 23. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico, he stayed with Capt David M. Poor’s company and was a POW in 1865.
- LAMBERT/LAMBERD, Joshua K. Pvt. Age 18. Enrolled May 23, 1861. No record after Oct 31, 1861. A Confederate Widow’s Pension application records that he married in 1880 and passed away August 13, 1912.
- LANE, Wesley C. Pvt. Age 21. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico stayed with Capt. David M. Poor’s command. Captured LaForche LA, June 21 1863, POW, and paroled in Virginia exchanged Nov 1863.
- LANGLEY, Seburn, Pvt. Age 18. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico stayed with Capt. David M. Poor’s command. On DS (Feb-Aug 1863) detached service as teamster for QMD Quartermasters Department. Parole at end of war, Oct 2, 1865, to San Antonio, Texas.
- LANGLEY, Marion J. Pvt. Age 22. Enrolled May 23, 186. Upon return from New Mexico stayed with Capt. David M. Poor’s command. He must have been having some difficulty as Aug 3, 1968 he was AWOL, then in Houston he “escaped Provst guard” in November 1863.
- LAUER, Charles. Pvt. Age 31. Enrolled May 23, 1861 at Fort Filmore (n New Mexico). Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s command. He was KIA at Laforche, Crossing, June 21, 1863.
- LEAL, Alfonso/Ydilfonso. Pvt. Age 30. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico stayed with Capt. David M. Poor’s command, then in September 1862, he asked to be transferred to Capt Angel Navarro’s command. Approved.
- LUCKIE, Samuel B. 1st Sgt to Pvt. Age 21. Enrolled May 23, 1861. No further records.
- MENCHACA, Bernavet. Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s command.
- MARTINEZ, Jesus. Pvt. Age 28. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Was in hospital in Albuquerque in May 11, 1862, then POW in New Mexico, Paroled May 26, 1862 and sent to Mesilla, NM. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s command. Nov 1863 report says he from San Antonio he deserted to Mexico.
- McCLELLAND, Joseph P. Pvt. Age 20. Enrolled May 23, 1861. No further information as his continuing with other companies.
- .McCULLOCH, Robert William, Pvt to Sgt. Age 23. The Mar 23-Oct 31, 1861 Company Muster Roll records he enlisted Sept 5, 1861 at Fort Fillmore at Mesilla New Mexico. Upon return from New Mexico stayed with Capt. David M. Poor’s command for the duration. His oath for his parole is available.
- MONTES, Anchacio. Pvt. Age 22. Enrolled May 23, 1861. At the General Hospitals at Fort Fillmore then Dona Ana record says from Sept 20 to Oct 23, 1861 we was being treated for syphilis. On return to San Antonio, he is granted permission to join Capt. Angel Navarro’s new Company of Texas Mounted Volunteers.
- MURPHY, James W. Pvt. Age 23. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Service record of Saddle lost in action of Sept 20, 1861. Another record reports from Dona Ana, New Mexico, that he received “ slight flesh wound in the right hip” from operation of Capt. Bethel Coopwood’s scouting party in New Mexico, Sept 22-25.” On return to San Antonio, he stays with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company.
- NAVARRO, Sexton/Siesto/Sixto/Sexto. Pvt. Age 28. Enrolled May 23, 1861. In Summer 1862, his brother Capt. Jose Angel Navarro formed a new Company and with the blessings of Gen. P. O. Hebert, Col. C. L. Pyron and Capt. D. M. Poor, Siesto joined Captain A. Navarro’s Texas Mounted Volunteers.
- NEWCOMB, John G. Pvt. To Sgt. Age 22. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M.Poor’s command.
- NOLAN/NOLAND. Thomas J. Blacksmith. Age 45. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Not known with whom he served on return to San Antonio, but there is a record of his Parole as a POW on June 26, 1865 from Columbus, Texas.
- OAKS, W. E. REGIMENT’S SURGEON. No age given. Enrolled May 23, 1861. No record of where he was stationed. Peggy is of the belief he might have to New Mexico, BUT the 2nd TMR was a big Regiment with 11 Companies, so he could have been at one of the hospitals like Galveston.
- OGDEN, John. Pvt. Age 19. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s command.
- O’GRADY, Robert J. Pvt. Age 22. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Wounded in New Mexico on “Capt. Bethel Coopwood’s scouting party in actions in New Mexico, Sept 22-25, 1862. Severely wounded in the right arm, bone slightly fractured.” Another record showing his transfer to Capt. David M. Poor’s Company in San Antonio records that John “deserted when taken prisoner in New Mexico.”
- OLIVARI/ OLIVARRIO, OLIVARRI, Paulo/Pablo. Pvt. Age 24. Enrolled May 23, 1861. His $65 horse was killed in action Sept 26, 1861. Upon return to San Antonio he was to join Capt. David M. Poor’s Company, but was asked permission to be reassigned to Capt. Angel Navarro. Permission was granted.
- O’NEIL, James R. Pvt. Age 21. Enrolled May 23, 1861. No further records.
- OYOS, Francis/Francisco. Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Record page showing his reassigned to Capt. David M. Poor’s Company, also has a “Remarks: absent. On detached service as teamster in QM Department.” (quarter master department). May 1864 reads that he is “Prisoner of War in the hands of the Enemy.”
- *PALMER, Austin. Pvt. Age 26. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Died at Fort Stockton September of 1861.
- PEREZ, Alejas/Alejo/Aly/Alieajas. Cpl. Age 26. Enrolled May 23, 1861. On return to San Antonio, Alejas was granted permission by Col. Charles Pyron and Capt. David M. Poor to join Capt. Angel Navarro’s Company of TMV.
- PEREZ, Desiderio, Pvt, Age 23. Enrolled May 23, 1861. On Capt. David M. Poor’s Company Muster Rolls for July -Aug 1862, he is noted as being a “Prisoner of war in N Mexico.”
- PERRYMAN, W. W. Pvt. Age 19. Enrolled May 23, 1861. On Capt. David M. Poor’s Company Muster Rolls for July -Aug 1862 through Sept-Oct 1862 he is noted as “Paroled.” Feb-Aug 1863 he is present.
- PETMECKY, Frank W. Pvt. Age 27. Enrolled May 23, 1861. “Nov 1861 on extra duty (blacksmith) Fort Bliss I Qr Mr Dept.” (Quartermaster Department) Record page showing his reassigned to Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. From Feb -Aug 1863 he was “on extra duty at Hospital Dpt” in January 1864- April 1865 he was ”on Detached Service at the Arsenal, San Antonio, Texas…by order of Gen. Magruder.”
- POOR, David N. 2nd Lieut. Age 22. Enrolled May 23, 1861. July 1, 1862 “signs off as Mustering Officer for his Company B, 2nd TMR. Dozens of his requisitions and receipts for his Co. B as Company Officer are available. Also a Sept 1865 surrendered/POW Parole of Honor certificate.
- PYRON, Charles Lynn. Capt. to Colonel. Age 42. Enrolled Co B 2nd Texas Mounted Rifles. To Fort Stockton (1861) then New Mexico campaign(1862). On return to San Antonio is now Lt Col in Louisiana campaign in 1862-63 when he was wounded pretty badly. Lastly, became Colonel Pyron for Western Texas – Eagle Pass Station.
- REEVES, Thomas J. 3rd Lieutenant. Age 27. Enrolled May 23, 1861. A record from Dec 1864 shows TJ is a Captain with the Hempsted Post Commissary.
- REITZER/RETZER, Joseph. Pvt, Age 24. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Record page showing his reassigned to Capt. David M. Poor’s Company.
- REYNOLDS/REYONALDS, Robert. Pvt. Not known of this Enrollment. Amnesty Oath and a Parole documents of 7 July 1865 are the only ones available only suggests that he may have served with Capt. David M. Poor in the Louisiana campaigns.
- RIVAS, Andalacio/Andaleico/Andalicio/Andilicio/Indelecio/Yandalacio/Yandalito. Pvt. Age 28. Enrolled May 23, 1861. In1863 he is enrolled in Capt. David M. Poor’s Company.
- RUIS/REVIS/REVUS, Eugene. Pvt. Age25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s company.
- RIVAS, Frederico, Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. No further records.
- ROBERTSON/ROBERSON, Frank G. Pvt. To 3rd Sgt to 2nd Lieut. Age 20. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Another record reports from Dona Ana, New Mexico, that he received “ slightly wounded in the hand” from operation of Capt. Bethel Coopwood’s scouting party in New Mexico, Sept 22-25.” Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. Sgt Frank was elected by the company to be their 2nd Lieutenant in 1863. 2nd Lieutenant POW June 21, 1863. May-June 1863 2nd Lt FG Robertson signs Roll s commanding this detachment that is shown on Muster Roll of a Detachment of Paroled Prisoners of 2nd Regt Tex Cav. Sept 10, 1864-April 1865 – POW again. Final release June 1865.
- ROBINSON, William B. Pvt/Farrier. Age 29. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s company. Last 2 records report “Deserted.”
- RODRIGUEZ/RODRIGO, Checacio/ Pvt. Age 23. A medical report from Dona Ana, New Mexico shows a ‘Rodrigo” was in the General Hospital, treated for syphilis from Jan 1-Jan 6, 1862.
- RODRIGUEZ, Miguel/Magill. Pvt. Age 23. Enrolled May 23, 1861, returned to San Antonio. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. Killed in action at Battle a Laforche Crossing, Louisiana, June 21, 1863.
- RODRIGUEZ, Jesus/José. Pvt. Age 32. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. Company Muster Roll of Feb-Aug 1863 reads: Wounded in action and is in hands of the Enemy…(another reads “since June 21, 1863. This was the vicious Battle at Laforche Crossing, Louisiana.) A Regimental Return of Nov 1863, says “Exchanged prisoner paroled for 20 days.” A March 1864 Regimental Return records that Jesus is a “Prisoner of War in the hands of the enemy. A May 186 Regimental Return records that he was also wounded and a POW since July 26, 1863 and -again a POW June 1864.
- RUTLEDGE, John Jeff. Pvt. Age 29. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Record for July-Aug 1861 shows “On D.T.(detached service) at Camp Hudson (NOTE: Camp Hudson, also called Fort Hudson, was located on San Pedro Creek, tributary of the Devils River, twenty-one miles north of Comstock in central Val Verde County. It was established on June 7, 1857. Source: Handbook of Texas Online). Then Aug-Oct 1861 “on D. S, at Fort Stockton.” Capt David M. Poor’s July 1, 1862 Company Muster Roll reads “Prisoner of War in New Mexico.” He is on a list dated August 19, 1862, “Hospital at Santa Fe, Paroled 19 Aug & Sent to Texas.” In Feb, 1863 he was “Transferred at San Antonio to Duff’s command.”
- RUTLEDGE, William R. Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Was on D. S.(detached service) at Fort Hudson(See John Jeff Rutledge for location.). July-Aug 1862 Muster Roll says “Prisoner in New Mexico.” Capt David M. Poor’s July 1, 1862 Company Muster Roll reads “Prisoner of War in New Mexico.” He is on a list dated August 19, 1862, “Hospital at Santa Fe, Paroled 19 Aug & Sent to Texas.” “Discharged at San Antonio” is on his Feb -June 1863 Muster Roll Record.
- RYMAN, H. A. Pvt. Age 18. Enrolled Sept 15, 1861 at Fort Fillmore by Capt C L Pyron. (NOTE: Fort Fillmore, established in 1851 near Mesilla, NM to protect travelers and traders to California.) No other documents.
- SIERRA, Juan. Pvt. Age 30. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company, and sought transfer to Capt Angel Navarro’s Company. Transfer was approved.
- SMALL, Lycurgus. 2nd Cpl. Age 26. Enrolled May 23, 1861. July 28,1861 thru Oct 31, 1861“on D S (detached service) at Fort Stockton.” Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. June 10, 1865, Parole Record says he can go home.
- SMITH, Franklin, Cpl. Age 21. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. (No further records.)
- STEPHENS, Henry F. Pvt. Age 19. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Henry was at Fort Stockton and Camp Hudson in 1861. Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. In 1863 he was “on detachment in hospital Dept at Va Pt, Tx . (Confused? That’s Virginia Point, Texas on the west side of the causeway from Galveston.)
- THOMAS, Griffin T. Pvt. Age 25. Enrolled May 23, 1861. Listed at Camp Hudson and Fort Stockton in 1861. June 1862 a record of Wounded from New Mexico lists Griffin T as in the General Hospital at Franklin, Texas (near El Paso? Or the one near Byran-College Station?). In July 1862 he was “Sick in Hospital in El Paso” and a POW in Franklin, Texas. He was Paroled Sept 1, 1862. Then in Aug 1862 reads sick at “a hospital Steward In El Paso.” Upon return from New Mexico, he was enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company, Records show in >arch 1863 he was at Hospital at Galveston, then Feb to Aug 1863 he was “on Detached Steward in Hospital at Beaumont, Tex. Then in 1864 at Hospital at Chappell Hill, Tex. as Hospital Steward until the end of the War.
- TREMBLE, Fred W. Pvt, Age 21. Enrolled May 23, 1861. “Saddle lost in action Sept 20, 1861.” No further Service Records for Fred W.
- TREVINIA, Lorenzo. 3rd Sgt. Age 33. Enrolled May 23, 1861. No other record/
- TURNER, Oliver J. / J. O. Pvt. Age 20. Enrolled May 23, 1861. .” Upon return from New Mexico enrolled with Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. Sept to Oct 1862 “sick in hospital at San Antonio. The rest of the records are about the same…sick.
There were three other men with Service Records which did not name a Company Commander. Their single records were from 1864-1865 and Company B, 2nd TMR. They obviously served with Captain David M. Poor who took over the command of Comapny B when MAJOR Charles L. Pyron returned to San Antonio to take up a new command. Captain Poor began assembling his new Company B in June and July 1862. They saw service in Galveston and Louisiana until 1865 when they were surrendered along with the rest of the Trans-Mississippi CSA to General Edward Canby. Here are the three soldier’s records:
MYER, Peter. Pvt. Age unk. The only record is his POW Parole on July 8, 1865 in the surrender of Co. B, 2nd TMR, which was Capt. David M. Poor’s Company. It is unknown from these records if he served with Capt. Pyron in New Mexico before joining Capt. Poor’s Company.
KING, Joseph A. Pvt. Age unk. No Company Captain’s name provided. Assumed to be Capt. Pool as records are from 1864-1865. Parole document for Joseph A KING residing in Bexar County, Texas; Oct 7, 1865
HENRICKS, Joseph. Pvt. Age unk. Only record is a POW/Parole record of 10 Aug 1865 in San Antonio. He at least was part of Capt Poor’s Company B 2nd TMR. But there are no records of his being one of Pyron’s men.