A few of the many personalities involved with control of the Spanish Empire in (what would become) Texas.
Europe's Napoleonic Wars and the struggle for continued United States independence meet near San Antonio and wipe out more that 40% of the population of Texas.
This is a list of 96 known men who joined Captain Charles Lynn Pyron's Company B, 2nd Texas Mounted Rifles and served in the New Mexico-Arizona Campaign of the American Civil War in 1861-1862.
Service record of 10 men of Co B 2nd Rgt TMV, who rode with Capt C.L. Pyron New Mexico Campaign 1861-62.
The Rutledge Brothers in 1915, Bill, John Jeff, and Garrett served in the Civil War. Bill and John were in the New Mexico campaign ending up as POWs and having to walk home.
In the late 1860s, Anderson rode the 100 miles from their “mavericking camp” on the Nueces River near Eagle Pass to Pleasanton" to get the doctor for his arrow shot boss.