UNCLE LUTHER’S WOLF HOUNDS 1933 “Yes, ma’am, Aint Allie. Mom (Clara McCoy James) has enough eggs to share for your bakin’. I’ll be sure to tell her you need some purty quick.” Jesse Columbus James, aka 10 year old “Sonny,” sat down on the front porch with his “Uncle” Luther. Luther was actually a older cousin to Jesse’s dad, Jesse Garfield James, and husband to “Aint” Allie Beard James. Luther started askin’ his “nephew” how things were going, but living across James Road from his cousins he pretty much knew things were just fine. Fine enough to ask if Sonny-Jesse C. wanted to do some wolf hunting come the evenin’. “Sure, if mom says it’s ok. Dad’s down at Old Man Witherspoon’s ranch, so he […]
Luther James
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